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Latest ArticlesUsing all Duncan OS Stains.
Black 0S476
med brown OS471
light brown OS467
country rose 0S504
rust OS454
terra cotta OS486
sandlewood OS493
confederate blue OS565
summer blue OS560
white OS431
concord OS569
purple OS452
prairie olive OS549
avacado OS466
walnut OS472
butterscotch OS508
ivory OS432
charcoal OS475
metallic gold
angel flesh OS492
matte or porcelain spray sealer
brush on high gloss sealer
Assorted White Bristle dry brushes
Detail brush
CME is happy to share this wonderful project inspired by Gloria Pagel. Willow Waggins would love to visit your home.
Please refer to CME article on "How to Drybrush" if needed and use photo (top right of this page) as guide for color placement and details. Click on photos for larger view.
Basecoat entire piece in black
Drybrush all flesh areas with Med. Brown. Hi-light (using the same brush with the brown in it) add Lt. Brown and just add a touch to the high areas.
Add Country Rose to the same brush and blush the cheeks and lips.
DB Rust to the shirt and shoes, hi-light with Terra Cotta, then with Sandalwood.
Next, DB the pants with Confederate Blue, hi-light with Summer Blue then White.
The jacket is next, DB with Concord, hi-light with Purple, then white to hi-light the lightest areas.
Hair is Charcoal, then grey, followed by white.
Hat and Shoes straps are Prairie Olive hi-lighted with Avocado then white.
The belt and staff are DB in Walnut followed by Med. Brown.
The pipe is Butterscotch hi-lighted with Sandalwood then Ivory. DB rust around the ring and the tip of the pipe,. Waterpaint (50 / 50 paint to water) over the diamonds in the pipe. Use Charcoal and a touch of white to do the ash look in the pipe.
DB the buckle with a metallic gold.
Waterpaint the finger and toe nail tips with Angel Flesh.
The eyes are started with the entire area straight-painted in white..let dry completely..then do a full circle of color of your choice for the iris, touching the top of the eyeball, not the bottom. let dry.... Outline the iris with a thin line of black. DB your choice of color and white in the center of the iris color. Now straight-paint the black pupil 1/3 the size of the iris, touching the top. let dry... paint a white hi-light dot at the position of the 1 on a clock. White comas can be added for extra effect in the eye. See photo.
Last, but not least, Straight-paint several ladybugs in random areas on your fella. I always spray seal in Porcelain, then put 2 coats of Hi Gloss to the eyes and bugs. Have fun.
CME management wishes to thank Gloria Pagel for her kind contribution of this technique for the enjoyment of other ceramists.
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