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Latest Articles04 Bisque Plate or appropriate Bisque Form
FN-044 Yellow-Orange
S-2101 Clear Brushing
SC-302 Snowfall
FN-001 White
SC-11 Blue Yonder
SC-14 Java Bean
SC-15 Tuxedo
SC-27 Sour Apple
SC-24 Dandelion
SC-39 Army Surplus
SC-75 Orange-a-Peel
Soft glaze brush
assorted soft bristle brushes
liner brush
Clay Carbon paper (or regular carbon)
Pattern (included in article)
On clean 04 fired bisque, apply 3 coats of Yellow/Orange FN 044 on the back of plate with a soft glaze brush. On the front bring the Yellow/orange in about 2 inches around the rim of the plate.
Let dry between coats.
Mix a 50/50 ratio of Snowfall SG-302 and Foundations White FN001. Sponge on the front of plate covering your yellow boarder about half way
leaving a 1 inch band of yellow showing. Let dry and repeat with two additional coats.
On the 3rd coat-when dry, daub your sponge into Blue Yonder SC-11 and then sponge in an erratic fashion over your snow, twisting your sponge so a pattern doesn't develop. You can sponge more of the Snow mix to blend the Blue Yonder if needed.
Let Dry
With ClayCarbon (or reg. Carbon Paper with no issue), trace the Sunflower Pattern onto your piece centering it so it ends at the edge of the Snowfall area.
Base the center of the flower with 1 coat of SC-14 Java Bean.
In the oval in the CENTER of flower, base 1 coat of SC-15 Tuxedo.
In the Tuxedo area, spot Java Bean with your brush in dotting fashion.
Leaves and Stem:
Base leaves and stem with 1 coat of SC-39 Army Surplus.
Highlight area with SC-27 Sour Apple (refer to photos).
Tipping your brush back into Army Surplus to blend. add a second coat of Army surplus in the shaded areas.
Highlight leaf with streaks of SC-24 Dandelion, blending with the Sour Apple.
With a Liner Brush, add Lines to the leaf and outline the entire leaf and stem.
Flower Petals:
Base the flower petals with 1 coat of Dandelion, let dry.
Shading- with SC-75 Orange-a-Peel begining at the area where the petal touches each other and the center.
Tipping in Dandelion to blend. while you have the Orange A Peel on your brush, add some dots to the Java been center to give it more of a texture.
Thin some Java bean and add an addional shaded area over the orange and blend into the Orange A Peel area. Keeping a sharper
edge beside the next petal and center.
With Thinned Java bean, outline each petal giving them a sharper point and edges and add a center line to each one.
Add a few dots of Dandelion to the Center to give it a highlight, especially on the left side of the center oval
Let dry...
Coat the DESIGN AREA ONLY with 3 coats of s-2101 Clear Brushing glaze allowing to dry between each coat.
Fire to Cone 05/06 (Mayco glazes perform very nicely at higher firing temps.)
*** NOTE*** If you want to use this technique on Food Surfaces simply eliminate the Snowfall and sponge on
3 coats of FN-001 White and proceed with the remaining steps.
CME would like to thank Shelby (Bayard) Shallenberger for contributing this lovely project for others to share and create their own work of art.
You may contact Shelby at for comments or questions.
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