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Spicy Pumpkin Plate - Underglazes: Article or Project

Suitable 04 bisque – Shown (top right) Duncan Coupe Charger
Duncan EZ Strokes:
Duncan Color:
EZ Strokes:
EZ003 Irish Green
EZ012 Cobalt Jet Black
EZ016 Grass Green
EZ026 Yellow Orange
EZ026 Leaf Green
EZ034 Orange
EZ038 Medium Mahogany
EZ042 Teal
EZ058 Poppy Orange
EZ068 Roasted Chestnut
Pure Brilliance Glaze
Soft bristled brushes:
#1 Liner
#4 Round
#6 Round
#6 Square Shader
Fan Glaze


Red Pen or Pencil
Tissue Paper
Ultra Fine Marker
Water Container
Paper Towels
Palette Knife
Banding Wheel or Turn Table
Palette Paper or Tile

More Details

1. Trace pattern on tissue paper, place on piece and retrace using ultra fine marker.
2. With a damp sponge wipe piece to remove dust and prepared for painting.
3. Place Teal on palette and thin to the consistency of ink. Using a fan brush and banding
wheel, apply teal on plate starting in center and working your way around to cover the entire
4. With a sponge wipe pumpkins and flowers to remove some of the teal.
5. On palette place Yellow Orange, Orange and add enough water to make the consistency
of light cream.
6. Using round brush, condition brush in water, load in Yellow Orange and following the contour
of the pumpkin paint in one coat.
7. Load the brush in Orange and apply to the same areas, leaving a little Yellow Orange
show through. Diagram 1

8. Add to palette Poppy Orange, Medium Mahogany, Roasted Chestnut, thin to a light cream
9. With a square shader, float color. To float color, load brush in water, tap on paper towel to
remove excess water, then corner load in Poppy Orange, blend color on palette, this allows
the color to blend on the brush. Apply as shown in Diagram 2

10. Using the same float stroke, but this time load in Medium Mahogany, float color in as
shown in Diagram 3

11. Shadows on pumpkin, using square shader and floating color in again, load brush in
Roasted Chestnut shade as shown in Diagram 4

12. Apply 1 coat of Medium Mahogany to stem on pumpkin.
13. Also add lines to stem using Roasted Chestnut.
14. Flower Petals. Add Yellow Orange to palette and thin.
15. Using a round brush, load in Yellow Orange, side load in Orange and tip in Poppy Orange.
Now in a tip, press, pull and left stroke pull in each petal. If color is not dark enough apply
a 2nd coat. As shown in Diagram 5

16. Flower Centers. Using a round brush stipple in center with Yellow Orange, the apply a
second coat using Orange.
17. With Medium Mahogany stipple in about 2/3 of the center, repeat with Roasted Chestnut
but only covering about 1/2 of center. Apply more color is needed.
18. Leaves. Add to palette, Irish Green, Leaf Green, Grass Green and thin as before.
19. With a round brush apply first coat to all leaves with Irish Green.
20. Second coat on leaves, load in Irish Green, side load Leaf Green and tip in color of your
choice, using Yellow Orange, Orange, Poppy Orange, or Grass Green. Diagram 6

21. By doing this you will give your leaves variation. Pull Leaves from outside toward center.
22. When painting the calyx on the flower, pull strokes from stem toward flower petals. If necessary
apply second coat to these areas.
23. Add Black to palette and thin to the consistency of ink, with a liner brush detail the entire
piece. Refer to Diagram #7

24. Place plate back on banding wheel and using a sponge, load in Teal and apply to rim of
plate. This will require 2 coats.
25. Don’t forget to sign your piece. Allow piece to dry over night, then apply 2 coats of clear
glaze to front and back. Again let dry over night.
26. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06.
27. Remove stilt marks.

CME would like to thank Arlene Smith for her contribution of this project and instructions for the enjoyment of all ceramists. See more from Arlent at


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