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Latest ArticlesSuitable cone 04 Bisque- Shown is Nowell's Holly Slim Tree (click on photo top right)
OS476 Black
OS453 Grape
PL229 Regency Purple (or sub with a purple pearl)
Golden Pearl or pearl white
SS45 Buttercup
Purple pin lights
Removable glue
Porcelain Spray Fix
Asst’d dry brushes (flat white bristle)
Other brushes as needed
Stylus tool or toothpick
Suitable light kit
Using a stiff bristle brush, base-coat tree and base with Duncan OS476 Black
Using a dry stiff bristle brush, dry-brush entire tree and base (except for the berries and the rim at the bottom of the base) with Duncan OS453 Grape
With Duncan OS453 still in brush, add a small amount of SS45 Buttercup to the brush and highlight Holly tree. Try to avoid the berries as much as possible.
If needed, periodically add a touch of grape to the buttermilk (add purple or buttermilk as needed) so as to not get too cream colored and bring down the tips of the Holly leaves.
Dry-brush the base (not the bottom rim) with Regency Purple Pearl.
Using a suitable brush, paint the berries with golden pearl If you don't have golden pearl, you can add a drop of gold to white pearl for the golden effect.
Using a stylus tool or toothpick. Tip into the Regency Purple and make a dot in the center of each of the berries
Paint the bottom rim of the base with gold including the underside.
When dry, spray a light coat of porcelain bisque spray
Option, you can glue in the pinlights, however you may want to consider using a removable glue so you can replace broken lights or change colors periodically. Most craft glues that are not superbond should work.
Follow manufacturer directions to wire your light. Plug in and enjoy.
CME would like to thank Lori Phelps for providing instructions on painting this beautiful tree. You may contact her with comments or questions at Lori does not have a ceramic studio but creates for her landscaping business. She obtains most of her supplies from: Whemeyers Ceramics in Stamford NY
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