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Latest ArticlesSuitable Bisque – Snowflake Box pictured*
Duncan Shimmer SH510 Blue Topaz
Duncan Concepts CN101 Light Heather
Duncan Concepts CN102 Bright Heather
Clear Glaze
Mother of Pearl
assorted Soft Bristle Brushes
MOP brush
clean lint-free cloth
Using the attached photo (top right of page – click to enlarge) as a guide:
Apply three coats of CN102 Bright Heather outer edges of the large crystals. Dry thoroughly between coats.
Apply three coats of CN101 Light Heather to the kite shaped sections in the center of the snowflake, also the center of the large crystals and the diamond shapes at the back in the middle between the large crystals. Dry thoroughly between coats.
Apply three coats of SH510 Blue Topaz to the sections on either side of the large crystal. Dry thoroughly between coats.
When dry, roll diluted clear glaze to the insides of the box (1 part water to 4 parts glaze), then drain (ONE TIME ONLY).
Apply undiluted clear glaze to the outer portion of the box and lid. Use care to not smudge the colors – you may want to pat on the first coat and let it dry before adding a second coat. Usually two coats of clear glaze are adequate. If you are traditionally a light glazer, you may want to apply another coat.
Fire to cone 06
Using a small amount of alcohol and a lint-free cloth, wipe down the lid (and box bottom if you are going to put MOP on it) to remove any contaminates or finger prints.
With a soft brush reserved for Mother of Pearl, apply one thin coat of Mother of Pearl to the top and sides using a swirling motion. It is recommended to not apply MOP to the bottom of the piece. The larger swirls create larger design/refraction of light, the smaller circles create more breakup of the refraction. DO NOT touch the MOP surface or you will leave finger prints even when dry. Dry thoroughly and fire to cone 019-018
Stilting is recommended.
CME wishes to thank Tew Bits N Pieces for contributing this project. They also can provide bisque of the item shown. Contact them at:;=br_tf or
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