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Paper Doily Plate - Mixed Media: Article or Project

Here is a project that can cross mediums. Your choice, Non-fire stains or Underglazes or Glazes. Directions are for underglazes but it is easily modified to your preference.

Plain 04 Bisque (shown top right is Ann's Original Molds AO859)
Duncan Neon Concepts: (sample used green, red, blue and yellow)
Paper doily to fit chosen bisque
Clear glaze
Ceramic tile or pallet
loose weave natural sponge
soft fan brush
See options at end of article

More Details

Pour a puddle of paint on a tile.

Hold the doily down and randomly sponge any 1 color over the surface.

Continue with a second color, then a third and finally the fourth color (or as many colors as you wish)

Apply each color until the item has a splattered coverage to your preference (refer to photo for idea).

While still slightly damp (not shiney), lift the edge of the doily and peel it off.

When completely dry, use soft fan brush to apply two coats of clear glaze drying thoroughly between coats. You may also choose to dip you item in dipping glaze

NOTE: If applying to greenware, DO NOT APPLY GLAZE fire to cone 04- Then apply 2 coats of clear glaze and fire to cone 06.
If applying to bisque, apply 2 coats of Duncan’s clear glaze and fire to cone 06.

OPTION: If you use a doily similar to the one shown, you can either leave as is or place a decal in the center and fire to decal setting OR you can decoupage a picture onto the item. To decopage, you will need clear or white decal paper. Size the area you want to place the picture and using a photo program, size your picture and then print it. You will need Decoupage by Royal. Seal the picture with super gloss spray sealer and let sit for a couple of hours. Cut the picture to shape and then using the decoupage glue, apply to the back and place the picture on the item. Then seal it with more glue and let sit for a few hrs to dry. You can then use it on the wall, or as a trivet, candy dish, etc.

CME would like to thank Kathy Bartoli-Arnold for sharing her project for all of you in the world of ceramics. If you have questions, you may contact Kathy at:


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Paper Doily Plate - Mixed Media

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