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Latest ArticlesSuitable bisque (Shown is Dona Cinnimon Buns Container) Fired to cone 04
Courtyard Saddle Clove CY112
Rich Chocolate FN029
Sculpting Medium SG501
Low Fire Clear Glaze (any brand)
Soft bristle glaze brush
Soft bristle brush
Using a damp sponge, wipe off bisque making sure to remove all dust and debris. Allow to dry thoroughly.
Apply clear glaze (or color of preference) to the interior of the container by rolling lightly diluted clear glaze (4 parts glaze to one part water) or brush on two to three coats, drying between coats. Wipe off any spills with damp sponge.
Using Soft Fan Brush, apply two coats of Saddle Spice to all of exterior, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly.
Refer to photo for product placement. (top right of page)
Using smaller soft bristle brush add one layer of Rich Brown to the swirl crevice areas to indicate cinnamon layer.
When dry, lay one layer of Sculpting Medium to the high spots of the spirals resembling icing. Let dry
Fire stilted to cone 05
CME would like to thank Shelby Bayard Shallenberger for contributing this thechnique so others may enjoy it.
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