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Halloween Bun Warmers - Non-fire Stains/Acrylics: Article or Project

Bisque (see photo top right)
10/0 liner brush
#2 round
#6 round
Small round Dry Brush
Med Round Dry Brush
Round Sponge
Duncan Porcelain Sealer

Colors by DecoArt/Americana:

Bubblegum #250
Cherry Red #159
Warm White #239
Tritium White #01
Avocado Green #082
Baby Blue #042
Zinc #304
Lilac #032
Royal Purple #150
Purple Rain #327
Leaf Green #051
Evergreen #082
Asphaltium #180
Desert Sand #071
Plantation Pine #113
Yellow Green #134
Citron Green #235
Golden Straw #168
Orange Twist #266
Lamp Black #067
Yellow Green #134
Golden Straw #168
Orange Twist #266
Tuscan Red #265
Cocoa #259
Fawn #242

More Details


First thing is to prep and clean your bisque. Using a damp sponge wipe of any residue and let dry. Make sure your pieces stand even and do not rock. If so you will need to sand the bottoms and wipe again.

Because there are several pieces to the set, we will address one at a time.


• Base coat the entire piece with Zinc using a soft round brush. It may take 2 coats. So let the first one dry really well before applying that second coat.
• Using a med round dry brush, dip into some Warm White and on a paper towel brush back and forth till the paint is almost gone. This is called dry brushing. Take that brush and go against the design. So if it is going up and down, you go back and forth across . You will start to see the color come off. If it smears, you did not dry the brush off enough. It if barely shows up…you did to much. So you really have to pay attention to the degree of paint you apply. You want the under base coat to show up in the details and the dry brush to show the contrast. This can take several coats and let it dry, if you feel it is tacky stop, let it dry and then apply the next coat. Once you see a nice coat of color but the base coat to, then move to the next step/color.
• Same brush dip into White and brush off the excess and then start applying this color on top of the other but not all over, don’t go as far as the first color. This is kinda a highlight on the piece. So just do the areas that are top or middle. Like on the Ghost, the top of the ripples of the fabric. A couple coats again….. At this point you should see three colors.
• Using a small round dry brush, dip into Lilac and wipe dry… this goes on the eye lids. Careful not to get all over but jus the eye lids. Very light but yet you want to see it. You can use caulks instead. To add depth, use small dry brush and Gray in the folds of the fabric and around the eyes.
• Spider Webs and eyelashes are Lamp black thinned out like ink, use your 10/0 liner and paint them in. Dot the spider with your stylus, the body is the bigger part of the stylus and the head is the smaller part. The legs you can use the 10/0 brush or a small detail one.
• Underpants are base coated in Bubblegum Pink use a soft round to get full coverage. Your not dry brushing this part. Then using a sm round dry brush, shade around the edge of the under wear and down the middle of the but cheeks. Using stylus dot them in the 3 dot pattern. The spiders are the same as above.
• Spray LIGHTLY with porcelain spray.


• Base coat the entire piece with Asphaltium using a soft round brush. It may take 2 coats. So let the first one dry really well before applying that second coat.
• Using your med round dry brush dab into some Desert Sand and pounce of the excess and go against the folds of the fabric leaving the dark base coast in the crevices.. Again watch your not heavy handed and apply enough that the fabric shows.
• Using the same brush and Warm White dry brush the middle of the body , knees toes arms and face , don’t forget the back side. This is a highlight.
• Using small dry brush dab into Bubblegum pink and dry brush on the cheeks. You can also add some Baby Blue around the eyes.
• Moss—small dry brush dab into Plantation Pine and start wide and come in to a small tip like a rounded cone but upside down. Don’t clean brush, dip into Yellow Green and take off the excess on your paper towel, then come in the middle of what you just did and work your way our leaving some of the previous color . Keep it uneven. Then repeat same brush but use Citron start from the middle again. Place moss on his body where you think it might appear.
• Snake—Basecoat with Plantation Pine probably 2 coats, then using a small round paint green diamonds on the back. Dot with stylus green eyes then dot with Golden Straw. The tongue is Orange Twist, use your liner and thin the color. * no pattern needed for the snake, just squiggle it in there coming out from under his arm.
• Boxers—basecoat them in Evergreen. Place on your pallet White and Yellow Green, add a bit of water to an ink consistency. Using your 10/0 line load some Yellow Green do your stripes across then down. Now outline those stripes using watered down white.


• Base coat the entire piece with Asphaltium using a soft round brush. It may take 2 coats. So let the first one dry really well before applying that second coat.
• Skin—using small or medium dry brush dip into Leaf Green and dry brush allowing the under coat to stay in the details. Again a couple of coats my be needed. Then using same brush highlight with Light Avocado . You can just paint on her finger nails with any dark red. I did come back with some plantation Pine and dry brush under her eyes and chin to give some depth. Using your 10/0 line and thinned Licorice do your eye liner with just a touch of lash. Then do eye brows. I dotted a nose with Licorice as well.
• Hair was dry brushed using med brush and Bright Orange. I then came back and did the tips of her hair and bangs with Cadmium Orange . * paint Bright Orange on the lips
• Hat was dry brushed with same as the under color, Asphaltium, almost solid. Then I cam back with Licorice and shaded with Black under and above the band on the hat and then made the edges darker. The plaid on the band is thinned out Royal Purple and Bright Orange, use your liner brush.
• Dress using your med dry brush, dry brush the dress with Royal Purple, this color is a bit more translucent than others, so let dry really well in between coats and then dry brush again until a solid color is there, allowing the folds of the fabric to stay show the under color. Using same brush and Purple Rain, dry brush the top of the rippled fabric, this is the highlight. Under pants are dry brushed in Tuscan Red then dry brush with Bright Orange. The cuffs on the underpants are dry brushed with Bight Orange. Then thin out with water Royal Purple Green Leaf and Yellow Straw. Using your 10/0 liner stipe in royal Purple across and down. On the down strips paint in the yellow straw. Using your med dry brush again, dip into some Purple Rain and dry brush some highlights on the top of the folds of fabric.


• Base coat the whole thing in Asphaltium.
• Logs are dry brushed first with Cocoa, make sure to really show the details by going against the design. Then dry brush using Fawn the high ridges of the logs. The ends and maybe a little in the middle.
• Flames are painted. First using your round brush base in the flames with Tuscan Red. Then come back and dry brush Bright Orange and finally come back with Yellow and from the middle of each flame, stroke up and out to the tip. See photos.
• Handle metal can be painted in silver and the wood part, dry brush cocoa.


CME would like to thank Shannon B. Reilly for her wonderful project and in sharing her technique so others may enjoy creating their own.
Molds are by Ceramichrome and Bisque is available from Majik Merlin's Ceramics found on Facebook


Article/Project Pictures:
Halloween Bun Warmers - Non-fire Stains/Acrylics Halloween Bun Warmers - Non-fire Stains/Acrylics Halloween Bun Warmers - Non-fire Stains/Acrylics

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