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Latest ArticlesColors used- non-fire acrylic stains
Apple Barrel **(Walmart):
China Blue
Lavender Sachet
Burnt Umber
Antique White
Snow White
Americana**( Michael's):
Honey Brown
Other Supplies:
Assorted white stiff bristle brushes
Soft, lint-free cloth for antiquing
Suitable Acrylic Spray fixative
** NOTE from Editor: As a professional Ceramist, I do not encourage the use of stains that are not manufactured for use on ceramic bisque as the results are not always optimum. However, as rules go, exceptions happen as in this case. Because of the beautiful results, I felt it warranted sharing as the artist created it and leave it to individual artists to consider substituting paints from the paint list above with matching shades and colors from ceramic lines.
1) Base-coat the snail in Camel and the alternate Lavender Sachet and China Blue on the shell. (See photos – top right of page)
2) Antique all but the snail's belly in Burnt Umber, wiping more off of the shell than the body.
3) Drybrush the sections of the shell with the base colors, China Blue and Lavender Sachet.
4) Antique the shell with thinned Camel allowing some, not a lot of color remain - you want some of the previous Burnt Umber to show through. Wipe to allow the dry brushed colors peak through also. Thin the Camel paint with quite a bit of water so it could be more transparent.
5) Lightly drybrush the China Blue and the Lavender Sachet back over the respective areas of the shell.
6) Using the Burnt Umber very wet and with a liner brush, add the shadow along the spiral of the shell, done in an antiquing manor and wipe excess to allow the under coats to come through.
7) Using Honey Brown paint, drybrush the snails body. Be certain to get even coverage on the antennae.
8) Drybrush the Camel paint over the snail's body also. Do not totally cover the Honey Brown as you want both colors to show in the finished piece.
9) Use the Antique White to lightly drybrush over the snail's body and then finally use the Antique White to more heavily drybrush the snail's belly.
10) Using Snow White, very lightly drybrush the snail's body to add highlights to the bumps and also the top parts of the antennas. Drybrush the snail's belly with the Snow White on the raised areas to give the wet highlight effect of the slimy belly of a snail. (see photos)
11) Use a UV resistant spray for outdoor use, but display where there is little to no direct sunlight as there will always be some fading especially in direct sunlight.
CME would like to thank Joseph Hovermale for his creativity and willingness to share this technique with others. You can find Joseph on Facebook
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