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Everything is Coming Up Apples - underglazes: Article or Project

Bisque or Greenware Plate or bowl with a rim
Cleaning tools if needed
Yellow Cleaning sponge cut into wedges
Glazed Tile
Brushes - #2 and #0 round, #4 and #6 shader, mini-liner, and soft fan
¾” wide vinyl electricians tape
Translucent colors for bisque: Pictured example uses Mayco Cotton tail (white), Tuxedo (black), Salsa (red), Leapin’ Lizard (medium green), Jave Bean (brown), Sunkissed (yellow), and Irish Luck (dark green). You may select other brands or colors making sure they are TRANSLUCENTS FOR BISQUE
Clear glaze

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Step One: Select appropriate bisque or greenware plate and make sure it is clean and dust free and fired to cone 04-03. Wipe the bisque down with a damp sponge. Pour a puddle of Cotton Tail (white) underglaze onto ceramic tile or palette. Use a damp sponge to apply three coats to the bisque allowing to dry between coats. MAKE SURE UNDERGLAZES ARE TRANSLUCENT FOR BISQUE USE. Let the painted bisque dry over night or about 8 hours.

Step Two. Apply a strip of vinyl electrician’s tape around the depressed inner part of the plate, creating a trim line. Pull the tape to stretch it as needed to follow the curved line/shape of the plate. Press edge firmly so paint will not be able to seep under it. Using the wide masking tape, lay strips vertically across the plate butting each one up to the next. When all strips have been applied, remove every other one. Firmly press down the edges.

Step Three: Pour some black/Tuxedo on the palette/tile. Using a damp sponge loaded with the paint, pounce three coats of color on the taped rim and allow appropriate drying time between coats. When the third coat is dry, remove the masking tape only. (To load a sponge, tip it in the paint, pounce it a couple times on the tile palette to work it in the sponge) Reload frequently.

Step Four: Apply new strips of masking tape as done before only laying them cross-hatch from the previous pattern, creating a lattice design around the rim. Remove alternating strips as before. Remember to press down the edges firmly. Sponge the rim with black as done previously. When dry, remove all tape and brush off any loose bits of paint.

Step Five: Using the sponge, apply three coats of black to the outside rim of the plate exercising care to keep a clean line.

Step Six: Using the pattern template found by clicking here carefully apply it onto the center of the plate using carbon or graphite paper. Use a dull pencil or large stylus with just enough pressure to transfer the design, but not so much as to create grooves in the paint.

Step Seven: Paint the apple with 3 or 4 coats of red (Salsa) and the leaves with 3 coats of green (Leapin’ Lizard) and the stem with 3 coats of brown (Java Bean). Be sure to allow each coat to dry before applying the next coat of paint.

Step Eight: Corner load a shader brush with black (Tuxedo) and shade the apple and the stem. Shade the leaves with dark green (Irish Luck). Shade the bud end of the apple with yellow (Sunkissed) twice. With a mini liner, outline the teardrops with black and the entire design with thin lines of black.

Step Nine: Shade the inside of ALL the tear-drops with yellow (Sunkissed) twice.

Step Ten: After the piece has dried for at least 8 hours, dip the plate in clear dipping glaze ONE time, or use a soft bristled fan brush to apply 2 or 3 coats of clear glaze. Use care when brushing over the painted design so as to not smudge the under glazes, dry thoroughly between coats.

Step Eleven: Fire your plate to cone 06


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Everything is Coming Up Apples - underglazes

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