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Dogwood Vine Cross - Acrylics: Article or Project

Dogwood Cross (see photo top right)
DH Butter Cream
DH White
DH Soft Brown Antiquing
DH Rust
DH Citrus Green
DH Pink Innocence
DH Green Ivy
DH Real Brown
Glycerine - optional
Assorted white Bristle brushes
Liner/detail brush
Lint-free cloth
Matte Spray Sealer (or Gloss if that is your preference)

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Fire cross to 04 bisque

Wipe down cross with a damp sponge making sure to remove all dust in the crevices (use a stiff brush if needed).

Base-coat entire cross with Butter Cream, making sure application is smooth and brush-stroke free. You may want to apply a second coat to make sure you did not miss any spots.

When dry, antique the entire cross with Soft Brown antiquing. (Note: I pour out a puddle and add a couple drops of glycerine to slow the set-up time – this is optional, but you might want to try it) Work a small area at a time, making sure to get the antiquing in all the crevices and then wipe away as much as you can with a soft lint-free cloth. Do both back and front.

When dry, use a small brush and float Real Brown over all the branches. Work a small area at a time and blot with your soft cloth. You may want to use your liner for the tips and ends of the branches.

Dry-brush the dogwood flowers with White.

If desired, float a medium pin in the centers of each dogwood petal. Blot with your soft cloth.

Float Green Ivy on the leaves and blot with soft cloth.

Highlight leaves by dry-brushing Citrus Green on centers of one side of each leaf.

Using a detail brush, paint centers of dogwoods with Citrus Green.

Using a detail brush, tip some Rust in the notch of each dogwood petal.

When dry, spray cross with Matte Sealer unless you prefer glossy.


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Dogwood Vine Cross - Acrylics

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