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Colors by Fashenhues
S-23 Mediterranean
C 104 Base coat
S10 White
S13 Flesh
GG1 – Gloss Glaze
S-14 Green
S-15 Red
S-17 Black
S-18 Brown
S-19 Blue
S20 Red Brown
OPTIONAL - Gold Pilot Pen
10 Droppers
Foil/paint pallet
Small disposable cups
Applicator packet
Blending Medium
Antiquing Solution
Mini Shaders & Detailer
Matt Spray Sealer
Fashenhues Opal Dazzler or a white very fine glitter, in a salt shaker
Round, pointed wooden toothpicks
Stylus – Small
Fine Black Sharpie Marker
3 Shader Brush
4 Shader brushes (#6 - #2)
Pallet knife (plastic)
T-shirt or Viva cloths
Wet Ones
Paper Towels
A. If you use too much Blending Medium, you will have issues with leaving finger prints in your piece.
B. You can always hold your piece with a paper towel as you are painting it.
C. Any time you use a wet one, ALWAYS dry your hands before touching your piece again.
D. You can clean your hands at any time with a wet one, just be sure to dry your hands before touching your piece.
E. Always discard your wet ones after using them, do not set them down in your work area as there is too much chance of sitting your piece down on them. If you sit your piece down on a wet one, it will remove your color.
G. Do not pick up fresh color to touch up an area you already did, as it will LIGHTEN your color, not darken them.
H. A very little goes a long way.
I. The brush numbers listed are just a suggestion. Use the brush that fits the area. I recommend flat taklon shaders for the majority of the project. (Royal Brushes are recommended by the artist, Mary Ann Jackson Perkins because she sells them)
Painting directions: (Insrtuctions for painting on Porcelain follow initial directions)
REFER to photos top right for color placement.
1. Clean & detail greenware and Fire to 03-04.
2. Pour some C-104 into a small disposable cup. Using a �� shader, basecoat entire piece with C-104; dry and repeat.
3. Pour a small amount of antiquing solution in a different small disposable cup, with another Load a shader load brush and brush the entire piece, reloading as needed. Any uncovered areas will darken. As you come across any uncoated places, dry with a paper towel and touch up with more C-104. Dry and repeat until there are no spots uncovered.
4. Clean all brushes at this point and remove water bowls from the table; shape bristles, and lay flat to dry.
5. Pour or dip out, just over a quarter size puddle of S-15 Red on your pallet and set aside for future use.
6. Pour some S-18 into a third small disposable cup; this one will need a lid. With one of the shaders, using the S-18, brush on small areas (appx 3inches), and wipe back with your soft cloths/Viva squares and do the entire piece. Be sure to do areas appx 3 inch sq or smaller as you work and you do not want the S-18 you have applied to dry out before wiping back. When finished, place your cloths away from your area, and put your brush on top of the cloths. Put your lid on your S-18 cup.
7. Using a wet one, wipe the snow on the ground, Santa's beard and hair, his gloves, and the fur on his coat. Keep wiping with a clean spot on the wet one, and you will most likely use more than one. DISCARD YOUR WET ONES, DO NOT SET THEM DOWN IN YOUR WORK AREA AND PUT IT IN THE TRASH CAN AND DRY YOUR HANDS.
8. Pour or dip out, 4 drops of S-18, and to this, add 1 drop of S-20 Red Brown. With your shader, blend these two colors completely together. Once they are thoroughly mixed, begin to apply this color to your horse, small areas at a time, wiping back as you go. You will go down to his knees with this color. (The sample picture looks like he is two colors, but he is not when you see it in person, must just be the lighting.) When you have completed your horse, set your cloths aside and lay your brush on top.
9. Using a dropper, put out 2 drops of S-17 Black. With another small shader, pick up this color and apply to his hair, to the lower portion of his legs, up just below his knees (you will blend the color on up), to the horse's tail to Santa's boots, Santa's hat, and to the horse's nose. Brushing on, wiping back as you apply color. With your blending sponge, begin wiping in small light strokes; carefully blend the black onto the brown mixture - over his knees, and on his muzzle, where the two colors come together. When you finish this step, set your cloths aside, lay your brush on top.
10. Place 1 large drop of S-14 Green on your pallet. With a clean Mini Shader, brush green on and wiping back with your cloths as you go, apply color to the Wreath on the horse's side, next to Santa, the pine just below the horse's ears, (both
sides), and the pine decoration on his tail. After completing this step, set the cloths aside and place your brush on top.
11. Using another dropper, place 1 drop of S-13 on your pallet. Add 1 small drop of Blending Medium to this color. Blend these together with a clean Mini Shader. Apply this to Santa's face, brush on, wipe back. Lay your cloths aside, and lay your brush on top. If you got any flesh on the hair, remove it at this time with a dampened Q-tip (either dampened with a wet one, or with saliva). If you used a wet one, PUT IT IN THE TRASH AND PUT YOUR DAMPENED Q-TIP IN THE TRASH AS WELL. DRY YOUR HANDS BEFORE TOUCHING YOUR PIECE.
12. With another dropper, place 4 drops of S-10 White on your tile. Using another clean shader, brush this on the snow on the ground, on Santa's hair and beard, on his gloves, and on the fur on his coat. Pat back lightly as you want to leave a lot of white there. You can use the press, roll method if you want even more white. After completing this step, set the cloths aside and place your brush on top.
13. Place 2 drops of S-23 Mediterranean on your pallet. With another Mini Shader, apply this color to the Saddle and straps on the horse, brushing on, wiping back as you go. Also apply to the harness on the horse's head, and to the strap around his chest, where the bells are and paint right over the bells, this will not hurt. You might prefer to wipe back these small areas with a Q-Tip or a blending stick. Set your cloths aside; lay your brush on top. Discard the Q-Tips/blending sticks.
14. Taking a tooth pick, dampen the very tip, either with saliva or with a wet one and wipe the flesh color out of Santa's eyes and the horse's eyes. You need to repeat this until you begin to see the whites of his eyes. Discard toothpicks in the trash.
15. Next, with a dropper, and the S-19 blue, put one very small drop of blue on your pallet. With the larger end of a small size stylus, dip into the blue, and place an iris in the center of Santa's left eye. Repeat with his right eye and going back to the blue each time. Wipe the end of the stylus off.
16. Check the black area where you worked from earlier, if there is still a little bit of black, using the tiny end of the small stylus, pick up a tiny dab of black and put this in the very center of the blue dot you put in his eyes, left eye first, repeat with the right eye.
17. Put 1 drop of S-17 black on your pallet. With the tiny tip of a mini liner brush dip in this black, and wipe back on your pallet, pulling the brush to a fine tip, do not twist, draw your brush out straight from the paint. Very carefully, using only the very tip of your brush, carefully (keeping the ballerina on its toes and do not press down with this brush) barely touching his left eye lid, starting closer to his nose, draw your very thin outline, out to the outer edge of Santa's upper eye lid. Reload with the black, pull to a point on your pallet, repeat with the right eye. As small as his eyes are, there is no need to attempt to put a line on the lower side of his eye. You will also pick up some of this same black with a tiny detailer brush and paint the eye of the horse in and paint a black circle in the eye, be sure to fill his eye, leaving just a bit of white on either end showing. Again, with the mini liner, repeat what you did with Santa's eyes on the horse's upper lid. Set brush aside.
18. Now, get the S-15, Red that you poured out in step # 5. With a small size shader and this red, apply color to Santa's entire suit avoiding the fur. DO NOT WIPE BACK. Apply color to the entire suit, brushing it all over top and bottom. Apply this red to the ribbons on the wreath, to the bows at the horses ears, and to the ribbon on his tail. Once you have this all of the red applied, set your brush aside, and pick up a soft cloth. Gently lay the cloth on the red color and (being very careful not to take the red to the white on his suit), softly press, and pat the red, just to remove the shine to the red, not to disturb the color. DO NOT WIPE. IF YOU WIPE, YOU WILL HAVE A PINK SUIT. If you forgot to read, and wiped back your red as you applied the color, you may VERY CAREFULLY repeat the instructions for the red above. Remember not to wipe back as color erases color, and if you wipe back again at this point, you will get a lighter pink, not a darker red, as with most products. Set your cloths aside, put the brush on top.
19. At this point, with the tip of another mini shader, apply red to Santa's lips pick up your clean Q-tip and gently roll the cotton area over the red, just to remove the color and do not wipe. Trash this Q-Tip.
20. With a dampened Q-Tip, clear any color that may have gotten on the white areas. TRASH THE Q-TIPS.
21. Put out 4 drops of S-10 White. Using another small shader, and this white, dip in the white, pat back on your pallet, and holding the brush sideways; apply this white in a wet brushing motion, to Santa's beard and hair, and to the fur on his coat. Also to his gloves if they need lightening. Do not wipe back and be careful not to create a buildup of color in the deeper portions of these areas. If you see a buildup, wipe your brush back on a soft cloth, and with it sideways, following the same indention area, pull the excess color out.
22. Picking up your small stylus, using the smallest point, barely touch it to the white color. Take this to the 1:00 position in Santa's left eye, and barely give him a little highlight line, upward, and outward toward the hair. Repeat with the right eye, drawing that tiny dot up and at an angle toward the upper portion of his nose and the tiny line should resemble this angel on both sides, but much smaller, as his eye is very small and you need to keep the highlight in proportion to the eye.
You will repeat this with the horse's eyes, putting the highlight at the higher side of his eyes, going upward on each eye, toward the ears so, on this particular piece, contrary to what we normally do for highlights, both highlights on the horse's eyes will be very tiny and will go toward his ears, as that is the direction the light source would hit his eyes.
23. At this point, take a good look at your piece… see if there are any areas you need to touch up, or if there are any finger prints where they should not be. (Make any adjustments, first with the cloth of the color you need to correct, and then if that does not do the trick, use the brush you had set aside - use in a dry-brushing type stroke as needed. DO NOT GO BACK INTO FRESH PAINT AS THIS WILL LIGHTEN YOUR PIECE, ONLY IN THAT SPOT. Use the cloths or brush that has dried the same speed as your piece.
24. Once you are satisfied with him, he is ready to spray. Spray with Fashenhues Matt Sealer in a well-ventilated area. .
Allow to dry completely.
25. Put 3 drops of the GG1 on your pallet. With a tiny detailer, pick up some of this gloss and paint over Santa's eyes, and over the horse's eyes, and Santa's lips. With a mini shader, pick up some of this gloss and lightly brush the nose of the horse, and the hooves of the horse that can be seen coming out of the snow. If you want your ribbon to look like satin, brush this gloss over the ribbons and bows on the wreath, near the ears & tail of the horse.
26. IN THIS NEXT STEP, YOU HAVE TWO OPTIONS: You can use what you your GG1 and add, just a little at a time, the MP1 until you create a gold paint or you can use a Pilot Pen. If you choose to mix your color, simply add a little gold powder to the gloss, at a time, until you have created a gold color that you are happy with. (OR puddle some of the gold from your gold Pilot Pen on your pallet). Either way, with a mini shader, paint the bit in the horse's mouth, the bells across the leather strap, under the horse's neck, the stirrup on the saddle, the buckles and metal rings on the saddle, and if you choose, the design on Santa's boots. You can brush some more clear gloss over the bells if you want them to stand out more. Allow to dry well.
27. Using a clean shader brush, and more Clear Gloss Glaze, load the shader, and brush this gloss over the snow on the ground and sprinkle lightly the Fashenhues Opal Dazzler over the gloss. Apply this gloss to the snow mound that goes up to the stomach of the horse; again, sprinkle the dazzler over the gloss.
28. Set Santa aside to allow to dry.
29. Clean up brushes & pallet, and discard cloths at this point. Your Santa is complete.
30. Don't forget to sign him. You can do this with a fine Sharpie Marker.
Do step 1 and fire to a cone +6.
Skip steps 2 & 4
All the rest of the directions are the same, you just have to be a bit more careful handling your pieces as the stain will come off the piece easier on the porcelain than the ceramic surface because porcelain is non porous. Some people like to spray between colors, but I find that spraying does affect the final colors as this does not allow the colors to blend as they should if they are sealed with the spray.
CME would like to thank Mary Ann Jackson Perkins for providing this technique article to be available to any and all who love ceramics.
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