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Cute Can Be Simple - Basic Dry-brushing: Article or Project

First, a quick note about dry-brushing. The dry-brushing technique known today is technically reverse dry-brushing. That is where you begin with a base coat of a dark color then gradually add layers of lighter colors and finally finishing with the lightest highlights. Originally the opposite was the process. This project utilizes the original method of dry-brushing. The paints provided are not all designed with ceramics specifically in mind and are not recommended by CME; but in order to hold to the integrity of the artist, their colors are listed. Feel free to substitute with ceramic brands and other colors to suit your own preferences.

Supplies used:

Bisque teddy bear bank or item of your choice (see photo top right)
Assorted white bristle dry brushes
Americana Acyylic Paint - Lamp(Ebony) Black
Anita's Craft Paint - #11043 Grey / Gris
Ceramcoat Acrylic – Toffee Brown # 02086
Americana Acrylic – Dark Chocolate
Apple Barrel Acrylic – White
Paper sack
Pallet for paint
Spray fix
Option: clear high gloss brush on sealer for eyes and nose.

More Details

Make sure your item is clean and dust free

Base coat body.fur area with a mixture of white and light grey. Scrub the paint in and then smooth it out. Do not let the paint puddle in the design areas.

Base coat around the eyes, mouth and paw pads with Toffee Brown

Using a white dry stiff bristle brush large enough to fit your area, lightly dry-brush black over the fur area To dry brush, apply small amount of black to the brush, with a circular motion scrub it on the paper and work it into the brush, then blot the sides. Lightly and gently drag the brush over the fur, going against the grain. Slowly increase pressure to remove all paint from your brush. Add more paint as needed. Work your way all over the fur until you have a light coverage over-all. Let dry, then apply another layer. Repeat this process until you have enough coverage/highlights and contrast to suit your preference. DO NOT wash your brush

Dry-brush a light coat over the eyes and mouth areas. At this point you can wash your brush and pick up another one for the next step.

Finishing: you will paint the eye completely white, using a liner you will make a large circle for the iris making sure one point touches the top side by the eyelid and leaving a white crescent on the under side. (See photo) Also make a thin line of black around white of the eye. Fill the iris with your choice of eye color. When dry, go back and create another black circle, touching the edge of the iris at the same point as it touched the eyelid leaving a crescent of the iris color. Fill the pupil with black. Using your liner add white highlights (at the same position in both eyes).

Paint the nose black. Mix a little grey with the black and paint the nostrils for contrast. You can also add a white highlight on the nose.

Using a spray fixative, lightly spray one or two layers to set your colors and make your item 'cleanable'

As an option, you may want to add a bow around the neck.

CME would like to thank Paula Martin for sharing her technique so others can create their own adorable bear.


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Cute Can Be Simple - Basic Dry-brushing

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