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Button Santa - Reverse Drybrushing: Article or Project

Bisque – Gare Button Santa (Photo top right of page)
Black Acrylic 1130201 (Anita’s)
Flesh 02085 (Ceramacoat AC)
Oyster White 02492 (Ceramacoat )
Wicker White 901E (Folkart)
Wedgewood Green 02070 (Ceramacoat)
Antique Gold 658 (Folkart)
Silver Anniversary 506 (Folkart)
Antique Gold 658 (Folkart)
Follage 11153 (anita’s)
Nutmeg Brown 20521E (Apple Barrell)
Coffee Latte 2559E (Folk Art)
Pearl White 659 (Folk Art)
Blue (choice for eyes)
Pop Pink 02646 (Ceramacoat)
Clear Acrylic Matte Spray fix
Assorted white bristle dry brushes
Small liner or detail brush
Paperbag or newspaper
Ceramic tile or palette

More Details

If you need help on how to do the Reverse Drybrush technique, check out the article in our article category for non-fire techniques.

Step 1 – Brush down bisque and wipe with a damp sponge to remove all dust or debris from surface and crevices.

Step 2 – Basecoat entire surface with black, making sure to scrub down into crevices and smooth out so as to not create brush strokes. If needed add a small amount of water to help paint to flow into crevices. Dry thoroughly. When dry examine item and make sure it is covered with black. Touch up any white spots. Let dry thoroughly.

Step 3 – Using a dry white bristled brush (choose appropriate size for the area being painted), drybrush each of the following with colors described. DO NOT wash your brush between colors, just wipe out on paperbags or newspaper and then add next color. USE PHOTO TOP RIGHT OF PAGE AS COLOR GUIDE:

FACE, LIPS AND HANDS: Drybrush with flesh. Use as many light coats until you achieve desired coverage.

BEARD: Drybrush Oyster White

FUR (some buttons): Drybrush with Wicker White. Use photo to select random buttons to drybrush white also.

HAT (some buttons): Drybrush Wedgewood Green

BUTTONS REMAINING: Drybrush assortment with Antique Gold and Silver

BUTTONS ON COAT AND HAT: Drybrush center ball of buttons on coat and hat with Wicker White

TREE: Drybrush with Foliage

TREE BASE: Drybrush with Nutmeg Brown and highlight with Gold

TREE ORNAMENTS: Drybrush with Silver

BAG: Drybrush with Coffee Latte

ITEMS IN BAG: Drybrush buttons Winter White and remaining items in bag with gold or silver

Step 4 – When all items are finished, drybrush a light coat of pearl over all buttons hat, and collar.

Step 5 – Paint eyes. Begin with white for the eye ball. When dry, make a large iris with a blue of your choice. When dry, paint a large pupil. Make sure top edge of the iris and the pupil touches the upper eye lid (in the same position for each eye). When dry, put a ‘light of life’ in each pupil with a tiny dot of white placed at 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock (think face of a clock). Position ‘light’ the same in both eyes. Using a fine liner, create a thin line along top of the eye touching the bottom portion of the upper eyelid

Step 6 – Using a dry brush, lightly pounce some pink as a blush on cheeks and backs of hands.

Step 7 – When finished to your liking, give a light spray of clear, matte spray fixative to set the colors. Do not over spray or it will dull the metallic and pearl finish and you will lose the contrast.

CME would like to thank Sue Lindsey for sharing instructions on this beautiful project for others to use. If you have questions or comments, you can direct them to Sue at:


Article/Project Pictures:
Button Santa - Reverse Drybrushing

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