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Beautiful Can Be Easy - Combination Fired: Article or Project

Suitable greenware vase or box.
Cleaning tool
Natural/sea sponge
Glaze brush
Wax resist emulsion
Duncan Sandstar Texture Glaze - or similar (color of your choice)
Complementary color of glaze. Example shown is an Ivory base with Basket
Brown glaze
Mother of Pearl luster
Luster brush

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This technique can work on any item but is very striking on plain pieces or items with simple designs.

Step One - Carefully clean your greenware, removing all seams and blemishes. Wipe down the item with a damp sponge to remove any dust.

Step Two - Examine your item and consider an area that you will glaze with the contrasting glaze and leave that area free from application of the Sandstar. Example, if you have a box, leave the lid or the base unpainted and only work the other part. On a vase (as shown) leave the base or a rim unpainted. With a soft brush that has been dampened with water, apply three smooth coats of Sandstar Texture Glaze over the exterior only of your project. Make sure each coat dries thoroughly between applications. Sandstar Texture glazes are primarily under glazes that have small specks of glaze mixed in it. That is why it can be applied to greenware.

Step Three - Fire your greenware to cone 04

Step Four - Dilute a portion of your contrasting glaze about 3 parts glaze to 1 part water. Pour this thinned glaze into the vase or box. Roll the glaze around the inside, covering the entire inside. DO NOT use a brush for this step. Pour off the excess. You can mix the unused thinned glaze with the non-thinned glaze.

Step Five - Take a natural sea sponge that has been dampened, press it into wax emulsion and then lightly press it on the top of the fired texture glaze area creating a lacy pattern. Let dry (rinse your sponge with warm soapy water).

Step Six - Apply three coats of your contrast glaze to the exterior of your item including the area with the wax resist, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly.

Step Seven - Stilt and fire your item to cone 06


Apply Mother of Pearl or similar luster to the entire outside (not the bottom) and re-fire to cone 018
Base is white Satellite Texture Glaze, Clear Glaze, Bead and Mother of Pearl. It is alright to apply the Mother of pearl over the Sandstar as it will fire off from all but the glaze specks and the other glazes.


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Beautiful Can Be Easy - Combination Fired

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