Prepared bisque ware (clear glazed inside and fired)
Choose two or three colors of acrylic that give pleasing contrast
Example: Dark brown with orange and yellow; black with grey and white; or dark green with light green and yellow
Colors for eyes – white, black and (brown or blue or yellow or your choice for iris)
Blending medium (slow drying)
Lint free cloth rags
Assorted White Bristle Dry Brushes
Detail or liner brush
Spray fixative
Wipe down bisque with a damp sponge making sure to remove any dust or debris from crevices. Let Dry
Using a stiff bristle brush, base coat with the middle of your chosen colors. Make sure to apply paint smoothly working it down into the crevices and make sure to get complete coverage. Try to avoid leaving brush strokes. Let dry
Dampen two lint free rags with water and squeeze out all excess. Set aside and have ready for next step.
Mix equal portions of your darkest color and slow-drying blending medium. Mix enough to be able to cover your entire project.
Using one damp rag, apply paint/medium mixture, working it down into the crevices and spreading it over your item. Use second rag to wipe off as much as you can or want to give you the highlighted effect you desire.
Let project dry thoroughly.
Taking your middle color and using a dry stiff bristle brush, dry-brush the highpoints of your details to bring out as much highlight as is pleasing. With the color still in your brush, tip into the lightest color and highlight accent points (refer to photo, top right of page)
Using a small brush, paint eyes white and then, using liner brush, make a thin outline with black. Make a large circle outline for the iris in black-making sure to touch the outside edge of the eye at one point (same on both eyes). Paint the entire iris area with chosen iris color. Next paint the pupil, making sure to touch the same outer edge – the larger the pupil, the softer the gaze (more friendly). When the pupil is dry, use tip of your liner to place the ‘light of life’ with a dab of white. This should be placed at 2 O’clock or 10 O’clock near the edge of the pupil. You can make a comma, an asterisk shape or just a dot.
When your project is dry, you may apply a couple thin coats of spray fixative.
CME would like to thank Ashley Blum for contributing this project for other ceramists to be able to enjoy making their own.
Article provided by: Ceramics Made Easy © 2025