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Tis the Season - Boughs of Holly - fired brushwork: Article or Project

Suitable bisque box fired to cone 04 (see photo top right of page)
Pattern (download from photos top right of page or sketch your own)
Paper towels
Ceramic tile or similar
Soft bristle square shader #6
Soft bristle round
Soft bristle fan brush for glazing #6 or 8
Soft Long Liner 10/0 or 20/0
Mayco Leapin Lizard SC7
Mayco Just Froggy SC8
Mayco Candy Apple Red SC73
Mayco Black SC15
OPTION: Mayco FN301 Marshmallow
Clear Glaze
Mayco Medium Green FN020

More Details

Please read ALL directions before starting your project.

Wipe down bisque with a damp sponge making sure to remove all dust from crevices. Allow to dry thoroughly.

Dilute a small amount of clear glaze (depending on size of your project) with water at the ratio of 3 parts glaze to 1 part water. Pour glaze into lid of box and roll around making sure to cover all surface. Pour out excess. Repeat with the inside of bottom of your box/container.

Using clean damp sponge, carefully wipe away any spills making sure the exterior portion of box and lid are free of all clear glaze. Let dry.

There are two options for the lid to the box. One is to basecoat with Matte White FN301 before painting details – brushwork. Or two, clear glaze after painting detail. If you wish to apply basecoat, use a soft bristle brush to apply three smooth coats of Marshmallow, making sure to dry thoroughly between coats. If you have brush strokes or ridges, your application is too thick. In that case finger sand lightly to smooth out the surface or you will have these ridges in the final product. Matte glazes do NOT flow. If your glaze is too thick, you may want to thin it slightly. You want a SMOOTH surface.

Sketch or trace holly leaf pattern to the top of the box. If you need help, check the CMEZ article on tracing patterns.

Using soft square shader load brush with slightly thinned Leapin’ Lizard and side load it with Just Froggy. Remember to dip brush in water first, lightly blot it, then load paint. Lightly squiggle flat side of brush on a tile to blend the colors. Working from the full end of the leaf, with the brush laying somewhat flat against bisque, apply paint with the Just Froggy being toward the outer edge of the leaf. See photo for reference as to shading. Repeat the process on the other side of the leaf. If you have not worked with corner loading brushes, you may want to practice a few times on a tile or newsprint/paper sack.

Continue in this fashion until all leaves are painted. See photo for comparison/shading.

Using suitable soft round brush, apply two coats of Candy Apple Red to all berries, drying thoroughly between coats.

Using long liner, outline all leaves, veins, and vines with black. If paint does not flow smoothly from brush, you may want to add a drop or of water to thin it slightly.

Dry thoroughly.

If you did not choose to use the Matte basecoat, use a soft brush, and apply two coats of clear glaze to top of lid – dry between coats. Be careful as you cover the details so as to not disturb the paint. Instead of brushing on the clear, you may want to consider diluting a small amount of clear glaze (same ratio as above) and pour the glaze over the lid (one time only).

Using a soft bristle brush, apply three smooth coats of Medium Green, allowing to dry thoroughly between coats.

Fire pieces separately, making sure to stilt them to cone 06

CME would like to thank Rosemarie Troiano Attard for sharing her beautiful project for others to use and enjoy. If you have questions regarding this project, feel free to contact Rosemarie at:


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Tis the Season - Boughs of Holly - fired brushwork Tis the Season - Boughs of Holly - fired brushwork

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