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Latest ArticlesCleaned and fired 04 bisque - Arnel Orca – #1397
Reference photo of an Orca see top right of page
Cleaning Sponge
Mayco S-2712 - Monsoon Seas
Duncan CR-821 – Parchment Crackle
OPTION: Duncan - CR800 Clear Crackle
Duncan Envisions IN-1026 – Very Black
Black Acrylic
Suitable soft bristle brushes
Using barely damp sponge, wipe any dust from carefully cleaned and 04 fired Arnel’s Orca bisque. Make sure it is dry before continuing.
Draw Orca markings in pencil, use photo (top right) for reference. Every Orca is different, so as long as the markings are in the general area, you can’t go wrong.
Water: Using soft bristle brush, paint three even coats of Mayco S-2712, Monsoon Seas drying thoroughly between coats.
Markings: Using suitable size soft bristle brush, paint three even coats of Duncan CR 821 – Parchment Crackle. Or, option of White Crackle glaze would also work. Be sure to dry thoroughly between coats.
Orca Body: With suitable size soft bristle brush, paint three even coats of Duncan IN-1026 – Very Black, being very careful to get complete even coverage. Also, do not overlap glaze with neighboring colors. Four coats would also be appropriate for a light handed glazer. Remember to dry thoroughly between coats.
When thoroughly dry, fire to Cone 06. If you painted the bottom, be sure to stilt during firing.
When piece is completely cooled, thin any black acrylic with water and finish the inside and bottom of piece.
With thinned paint, paint black over the crackle and immediately wipe back while wet to accentuate the cracks in the crackle.
CME would like to thank Lynn Tanner for sharing her wonderful project for others to enjoy. You may Contact Lynn for comments or to order bisque.
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